Is Asphalt Cheaper Than Concrete? Cost Comparison Guide

Asphalt cheaper than concrete
Uncover why asphalt is cheaper than concrete & the cost benefits of choosing the right paving material for your budget-conscious road projects.
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Cost is key when paving your driveway. Is asphalt cheaper than concrete?

Surprisingly, asphalt costs less than concrete to install. It can be 45% cheaper. Imagine that!

Asphalt driveways usually run from $2 to $6 per square foot. But, they might cost $8 or more with special features. Concrete driveways are pricier, ranging from $4 to $10 per square foot. Want extras? It could soar to $15 or higher.

But there’s more than just cost to think about. Asphalt and concrete driveways have other important differences.

Key Takeaways:

  • Installing an asphalt driveway is on average 45% less expensive than installing a concrete driveway.
  • The average cost of an asphalt driveway ranges from $2 to $6 per square foot, while concrete driveways cost between $4 to $10 per square foot.
  • Asphalt driveways can typically be used within three to five days after installation, while concrete driveways need at least seven days to cure before being driven on.
  • Properly maintained asphalt driveways can last up to 30 years, while concrete driveways can have a lifespan of over 50 years.
  • In terms of climate suitability, asphalt driveways are more suited for colder climates, while concrete driveways perform better in hotter climates.
  • Contact HT Paving for all your asphalt needs in San Mateo, CA and surrounding areas!

Now you know about the cost, lifespan, and suitability of each material. This info will help you pick the best option for your needs and budget.

Check back for more on choosing between asphalt and concrete!

Factors to Consider: Climate, Installation, and Maintenance

Choosing between asphalt and concrete for your paving project involves several key considerations. You should look at the climate, the way it’s installed, and the maintenance it needs.


Climate is a key player in this decision. In cold areas, asphalt is usually better because it handles freeze-thaw cycles. It melts snow and ice quickly, making surfaces less slippery. For hot places, concrete is the top pick. It can stand up to high temperatures better.

Installation Process

Thinking about how long it takes to install your paving is crucial. Asphalt is fast, making it great for quick projects. A driveway can be done in about 2 days. Concrete, however, takes much longer, up to 6 days. This might impact your project timeline.

Maintenance Requirements

Keeping your pavement in good shape takes effort. Asphalt needs a new layer every 3 years to keep it strong. Concrete should be resealed every 1-3 years. This helps it fight off natural damage and lasts longer.

Considering key points like cost, climate, and maintenance will help you decide. Both options have their strong suits. The decision process should include all these factors to pick the best one for your project.

Is Asphalt Cheaper Than Concrete?

When considering paving options for your driveway, parking lot, or other surfaces, cost is often a primary concern. At HT Paving, serving San Mateo, CA, and surrounding areas, we frequently address the question: Is asphalt cheaper than concrete?

Cost Comparison

When comparing the initial installation costs, asphalt generally comes out as the more affordable option. The cost of asphalt installation ranges from $2 to $5 per square foot, while concrete can cost between $4 and $10 per square foot. This significant difference makes asphalt an attractive option for those on a budget or with large areas to cover.

Longevity and Maintenance

While asphalt is cheaper initially, it’s essential to consider the long-term costs. Asphalt requires more frequent maintenance and resurfacing every 3-5 years to prevent cracking and deterioration. In contrast, concrete, though more expensive upfront, tends to last longer with less frequent maintenance. Concrete driveways can last 30-40 years with proper care, whereas asphalt driveways typically last 20-25 years.

Climate Considerations

The choice between asphalt and concrete can also depend on the local climate. In San Mateo, CA, the moderate weather conditions are suitable for both materials. However, in hotter climates, asphalt can become soft and sticky, while in colder regions, concrete may be prone to cracking due to freeze-thaw cycles. Therefore, the long-term performance and cost-effectiveness of each material can vary based on the local environment.

Making the Right Choice with HT Paving

At HT Paving, we understand that each project has unique needs and budget constraints. Our expert team can help you weigh the initial costs against long-term benefits and maintenance requirements to choose the best material for your project. Whether you opt for asphalt or concrete, HT Paving guarantees high-quality installation and reliable service to ensure your pavement stands the test of time.

For more information or to get a quote, contact HT Paving today. We’re here to provide the best paving solutions for San Mateo, CA, and the surrounding areas.

Paving Maintenance - Asphalt cheaper than concrete


Is asphalt cheaper than concrete?

Asphalt is usually cheaper to put in than concrete. It costs about to per square foot. Concrete, on the other hand, starts at per square foot.

Which paving material is more budget-friendly?

Asphalt wins for being easier on the budget for paving roads when compared to concrete.

What factors should be considered when choosing between asphalt and concrete?

Think about the weather. Asphalt is great for places that get cold. It deals well with ice and snow. Concrete is better for warmer areas.The time it takes to install and how much maintenance is needed also varies between the two.

How long does it take to install asphalt?

You can have asphalt driveways ready in just 2 days. Concrete, however, takes up to 6 days for the same job.

How often does asphalt require maintenance?

Every 3 years, asphalt driveways need a touch-up to keep looking good and strong.

How often does concrete need maintenance?

Concrete should be resealed every 1-3 years. This keeps moisture out and extends its life.

What are the main differences between asphalt and concrete?

Asphalt and concrete are two commonly used paving materials with distinct differences. Asphalt is typically cheaper to install and has a faster curing time, making it suitable for large areas and quick projects. It is more flexible, which helps it withstand temperature changes but requires more frequent maintenance. Concrete, on the other hand, is more expensive upfront but offers a longer lifespan with less maintenance. It is more durable in extreme weather conditions and provides a more polished look.

How often does asphalt need to be resurfaced compared to concrete?

Asphalt usually requires resurfacing every 3-5 years, depending on traffic and weather conditions. Regular maintenance such as seal coating and patching can extend its lifespan. Concrete is more durable and generally does not need resurfacing as frequently. A well-maintained concrete driveway can last 30-40 years before major resurfacing or repairs are needed.

Which material is better for the climate in San Mateo, CA?

Both asphalt and concrete can perform well in San Mateo’s moderate climate. Asphalt is flexible and handles temperature variations well, making it suitable for areas with fluctuating temperatures. However, in hotter climates, asphalt can become soft and sticky. Concrete, while more prone to cracking in freeze-thaw cycles, is very durable in moderate climates like San Mateo’s. Ultimately, the choice depends on specific project needs and budget considerations.

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