Is Asphalt Sealing Worth it?

asphalt sealing
Discover the benefits of asphalt sealing for extending pavement life, enhancing curb appeal and protection against the elements. Learn if it's right for you!
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Ever thought about the worth of asphalt sealing? Many wonder about the impact of sealcoating. Yet, there are plenty of benefits to weigh.

Asphalt sealing helps lengthen the life of pavements and makes them look better. It does this by adding a protective layer, made of specific oils and paving materials, on top. This layer can stop cracks and make old asphalt look new again.

But, the benefits don’t end there. Sealcoating also guards against the sun’s UV rays, water, oil, and road salt. It acts as a shield over the asphalt, sealing up little cracks and stopping them from getting worse.

But here’s a caution: don’t apply sealcoating to new asphalt. The asphalt must be all set and have gotten rid of any extra chemicals first. Plus, you need to keep it up with regular checks to make sure it keeps working well.

So, is sealing your asphalt worth it? We’ll go over the good and the not-so-good to help you decide wisely.

Key Takeaways:

  • Asphalt sealing can extend the life of your pavement and enhance its curb appeal.
  • It helps prevent cracking and restores the appearance of faded asphalt.
  • Sealcoating acts as a barrier, protecting the pavement from UV rays, water, oil, and road salt.
  • Regular maintenance is required to ensure the effectiveness of sealcoating over time.
  • Sealcoating should not be applied to fresh asphalt.

The Pros of Asphalt Sealing

Sealcoating has many pluses for asphalt. It makes old asphalt look new by restoring its black color. This enhancement makes the property look better.

It also stops the asphalt from getting fragile. It does this by keeping out harmful substances. This keeps the asphalt flexible and less likely to crack or break. Sealcoating’s benefits include preventing potholes, helping the asphalt stay strong.

Sealcoating saves money. It’s a cheaper choice than big repairs. Regular maintenance like sealcoating and filling cracks protects the asphalt. This not only saves money but also improves the property’s look and value.

Choosing the right maintenance for asphalt is important. Sealcoating is key for long-lasting asphalt. It protects against water, oil, and UV rays. This protection keeps the area looking good and reduces the need for major repairs.

The Drawbacks of Asphalt Sealing

Asphalt sealing brings many benefits, but there are also some downsides to think about.

Timing and Application

Sealcoating can’t go on fresh asphalt. It needs time to cure and to let any extra chemicals rise to the surface. Putting on sealcoating too early makes it not stick well and won’t protect as it should. It is a good idea to wait six months for the asphalt to fully cure before applying any sealcoating.

Maintenance and Longevity

Asphalt sealing needs regular care. Even though it can last two to three years, it wears out from UV rays, traffic, and weather. To keep the protection at its best, you need to put on more sealcoating every few years. If you don’t, your pavement won’t last as long and won’t work as well.

Limitations in Repairing Damaged Pavement

Sealcoating won’t fix big problems like really cracked or crumbled asphalt. It’s more for stopping small cracks and damage. If your asphalt is in bad shape, you might need to patch it or put on a new layer. Always check the asphalt’s condition to know the best way to fix it.


Sealing your asphalt is a smart move to protect and keep it looking good. It helps your asphalt last longer and look better. By putting on a protective layer, you guard against damages from the sun, water, oil, and salt. This stops cracks and keeps your pavement strong.

Yet, there are some downsides to sealing asphalt. You need to do it at the right time and keep up with maintenance for it to work well. Severe damage might need different fixes.

If you think about sealing your asphalt, talking to experts like HT Paving and Seal Coating Services is a great idea. They advise if sealing is right for you. Look at the good and the bad, and check your pavement’s condition. Then, you can decide wisely if sealing is a good choice for you.

pavement maintenance - asphalt sealing


What is asphalt sealing?

Asphalt sealing is adding a special coating to asphalt surfaces. This coating is made from oils and paving material. It’s done to make the pavement last longer and look better.

What are the benefits of asphalt sealing?

There are many advantages to sealing your asphalt. It stops cracks, makes old asphalt look new, and shields it from harmful elements. These include UV rays, water, oil, and road salt.

Sealing also keeps the asphalt strong and saves money. It’s cheaper to sealcoat than to do big repairs or start over.

Can sealcoating be applied to fresh asphalt?

Sealcoating is a no-go for fresh asphalt. The asphalt needs time to harden, and any extra chemicals have to escape first.

How long does sealcoating typically last?

Sealcoating can last for two to three years. But, it must be redone often to keep working well.

Can sealcoating repair severely cracked or crumbled pavement?

No, sealcoating can’t fix heavily damaged areas. You’ll need other ways to deal with severe cracks or crumbles, like patching or putting a new layer down.

Should I consult with professionals before sealcoating my asphalt?

Yes, you should talk to the pros before sealcoating. A company like HT Paving and Seal Coating Services can give you the right advice. They’ll help you figure out if sealing your asphalt is the best choice for you.

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