What is Slurry Seal?

Slurry Seal
Discover how Slurry Seal extends the life of pavements by offering a cost-effective way to maintain and protect asphalt surfaces.
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Ever wondered how roads stay strong against time and lots of cars? The key is a special mix called slurry seal. So, what is this mix and how does it keep our roads safe and lasting for years amidst heavy use? Come explore the world of keeping our streets smooth and safe with this wonder called slurry seal.

Key Takeaways:

  • Slurry seal is a mixture of water, asphalt emulsion, aggregate, and additives used to protect and restore existing asphalt pavement surfaces.
  • Its purpose is to seal the pavement, restore flexibility, provide a black color, and protect the underlying pavement structure.
  • Slury seal is typically applied to residential streets with moderate distress and narrow crack widths.
  • This preventive maintenance technique allows for cyclical applications every five to seven years.
  • Slurry seal requires several hours to set before the road can be reopened to traffic.

Benefits of Slurry Seal

Slurry seal is great for keeping roads in good shape and saving money. It’s low cost but very effective. It can fix and stop many pavement issues. Plus, it’s made from recycled materials and doesn’t need a lot of people to apply it.

It makes the road safer and lasts a long time. Drivers get a tough and anti-slip road surface. This makes the road safer. It stops common road issues like surface cracking, loss of matrix, increased permeability, and lack of friction. This keeps the road strong and makes it last longer.

Slury seal also looks good. When used on streets, parking lots, or other public places, it makes them look better. The black color and smooth feel make the area nicer for everyone. Pedestrians and drivers like it more.

Preserving Pavements with Slurry Seal

Maintaining the roads is key for keeping the area safe and saving money. Slury seal does this job well. Without it, fixing roads would be more costly and harder.

Applying slurrry seal doesn’t take long. This means less traffic gets disrupted. It’s perfect for keeping roads open and safe while they’re being worked on.

Slurry seal is a top choice for saving money while maintaining roads. It stops problems, makes roads safer, and looks nice. Choosing slury seal in a maintenance plan is smart. It helps owners and towns keep their streets in good shape without spending too much.


Slurry seal is a smart choice for keeping asphalt roads in good shape. It’s made with water, asphalt, small rocks, and other helpful materials. This mix seals cracks, lets the pavement bend, and shields it from damage. Using slurry seal not only boosts the road’s life but also makes it look better.

For keeping roads smooth in San Mateo, CA, and nearby areas, choose HT Paving and Seal Coating Services. They help homes, businesses, and more with a wide set of services. From applying slurry seal to other treatments, their team knows how to meet your specific needs well.

Need reliable help with slurrry seal or asphalt upkeep? Call HT Paving at (415) 774-6424. Their skills and care will keep your roads strong, saving you money over time.

Pavement Preservation - Slurry Seal


What is a slurry seal?

A slurrry seal is made of water, asphalt emulsion, stones, and extras. Workers spread it on top of old asphalt. It’s different from a fog seal because it has pieces of stone. This makes the surface tough. Often, they add polymer to the mix to make it last longer.

What is the purpose of a slurry seal?

Slurry seal serves to seal and fix the pavement. It keeps the road black and safe from damage. This way, the road under it stays solid.

Where is slurry seal typically used?

Usually, they use slurry seal on small, worn down streets. These are places where the cracks are not too wide yet.

How often is slury seal applied?

It’s put on every few years. Generally, it gets redone every five to seven years.

What is the application process for slurry seal?

To apply it, they use a special truck that mixes and spreads the slurry. A piece of burlap drags behind to smooth it out. After it’s laid, the road must stay closed for a while to harden.

What are the benefits of slurry seal?

It saves money and keeps roads in good shape. It makes the surface last longer. Plus, it looks good and is safe to drive on.

How does slurry seal extend the life of asphalt pavements?

By sealing cracks and protecting the road, it keeps the asphalt strong. This means the road lasts longer.

Where can I find professional slurrry seal and asphalt maintenance services?

In San Mateo, CA, HT Paving and Seal Coating does great work. They offer slurrry seal and take care of many pavement needs. Reach out to them at (415) 774-6424.

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